Navigating the intricacies of Extension networks presents a myriad of challenges. From shifting global demographics to evolving stakeholder needs and resource constraints, the landscape is demanding. But through strategic advocacy, Extension networks can amplify their visibility and support, even amid these challenges. Despite recognizing the potential of advocacy, little research has examined the specific capacities needed for effective advocacy in Extension networks. The following summarizes research I conducted with a team of international Extension experts examining actionable insights to cultivate advocacy capabilities.
Our research involved insights from Extension experts through a Delphi panel. However, it's essential to acknowledge that the findings are constrained by the participating experts' viewpoints. It is also important to note, the study was focused on international Extension networks, but the findings may be relevant to other contexts as well.
A crucial recommendation coming from this study is for Extension networks to establish a common understanding of advocacy capacities. Shared terminology facilitates improved communication, knowledge sharing, and best practice dissemination.
Our findings identified three fundamental capacities that had almost unanimous agreement among experts:
Extension networks should have a presence on national platforms or events to enhance visibility.
Strong partnerships with policy-making stakeholders are critical for improving Extension network visibility.
The ability to articulate stakeholder needs is critical.
These capacities underscore the importance of being present, known, and clear - the bedrock of effective advocacy.
Further exploration reveals three overarching thematic areas closely aligned with these specific capacities:
Visibility is critical, requiring recognition as a representative institution. To this end, participating in stakeholder-rich is very important.
Understanding the impact of Extension on clientele gains prominence. Effectively articulating impacts resonates in advocacy efforts. Extension networks should compile both quantitative results and qualitative case studies to support these efforts.
Develop compelling communication. Advocacy messages should be packaged succinctly and memorably, highlighting the most impactful elements which align with political and funding priorities.
As we navigate a changing landscape, effective advocacy will be critical to ensure the viability and value of Extension networks. By focusing on visibility, impact, and compelling communication, Extension networks can harness advocacy's power to drive transformative change.
I've linked the source research manuscript if you would like to read more about this research:
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., Davis, K., & Swaroop, B. J. (2018). Effective advocacy for extension networks: an evaluation of critical capacities. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 25(2), 43-56.
What are your thoughts and experiences with advocacy efforts - in Extension or other contexts? Please be sure to share your comments.